May 8, 2020
What Are the New De Minimis Thresholds Under CUSMA/USMCA?

Under CUSMA, Canada has agreed to maintain a de minimis threshold of at least CAD$150.00 for customs duties, and CAD$40.00 for taxes, at the time or point of importation of goods shipped by courier from the United States or Mexico. There are otherwise no changes to Canada’s existing de minimis framework.
Accordingly, postal shipments from the U.S. or Mexico, as well as any courier or postal shipments from any other country, will continue to have a customs duty and tax remission threshold value of up to CAD$20.00.
Please note that the new thresholds will apply as of the date CUSMA enters into force — July 1, 2020 — and, for greater clarity, time of importation means the time of release.